๐Ÿท Three Little Pigs


๐Ÿ”‹ What are your current energy levels? Each person give a rating of 1-5, then go around the table and share why specific number was given.

Conversation Starter

๐ŸŽ‹ House of straw โ€“ what do we do that just about hangs together, but could topple over at any minute?

๐ŸฅขHouse of sticks โ€“ what do we do that is pretty solid, but could be improved?

๐Ÿž House of bricks โ€“ what do we do that is rock solid?

Based on this information, what could be some actions to improve?


๐Ÿ–๏ธ Rate this meeting from 1 to 5. Go around the table and share feedback about how to improve it next time.